Development after the establishment of the Taiwan Epilepsy Medical Association
Last updated date : 2025/01/12
The first session (1990-1993)
The first session (1990-1993) President of TES was Dr. Ming-Shung Su from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Dr. Ming-Shung Su learned EEG and epilepsy from the neuromedical center of Columbia, United States in 1980. Since then, Dr. Su become attached to epilepsy and started to execute the medical care for epilepsy, taught EEG, set up clinics and division of epilepsy after returning back from States in 1981. The foundation of TES has been established during the board of the first director, academic conferences and groundbreaking development has been created as well.The second session (1993-1995)
The second session (1993-1995) President of TES was Dr. Jing-Jane Tsai from NCKU. Membership recruitment and academic seminars has been processed during second session which consolidated the development of TES in future. Dr. Tsai was awarded as the ambassadors of International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) in 2001.The third session (1995-1997)
The third session (1995-1997) President of TES was Dr. Wen-Long Tsao from Tri-Service General Hospital. Variety of educational activities has started. First, the educational lecture of epilepsy started in the north part, middle part, south part, east part, Penghu and Kinmen of Taiwan. Meanwhile, meeting with epilepsy patients was processing as well to urge the establishment of association for patients in future. In addition, the education of epilepsy has also begun to execute in all primary and secondary schools throughout Taiwan. Doctors were obliged to teach teachers at all levels of school to transfer and educate the correct concept in epilepsy through Ministry of Education and the County and Municipal Education Bureau. To ensure the educational rights of children with epilepsy, these educational activities have been processing until now.The fourth session (1997-1999) President
The fourth session (1997-1999) President of TES was Dr. Tai-Tong Wong from pediatric neurosurgeon in Taipei Veterans General Hospital. In 1983, Dr. Tai-Tong Wong from the division of Neurosurgery for children in TVGH and Dr. Ching-Shiang Chi from the division of Neurology for children adopted a self-made electrode for examining cerebral cortex EEG when removing a temporal lobe tumor from a child. The surgery team for children's epilepsy was founded in 1989 in Taipei Veterans Hospital, and various types of children's epilepsy surgery were in progress. Taiwan Children's Epilepsy Association (it is called Children's Epilepsy Association of Taiwan now) was established in 1998. Academic lectures and educational activities for topic of children's epilepsy were widely held in various parts of Taiwan. International Epilepsy Symposium has been held during the lead of Dr. Wong, and the 1st Global Chinese seminar of epilepsy was held on November 8th, 1997 in TICC. (Remarks: The 2nd global symposium of Chinese epilepsy was held in HK in 1999,while the 3rd was in Guangzhou in 2003). Scholars in epilepsy from China, HK, Malaysia and Singapore were invited to join the meeting which created the precedent for the communication between Chinese. During November 5th-8th, 1998, the 2nd AOEO and the 1st association for patient were held. Total of 769 people attended the meeting which comes from 32 countries, while 508 attendants from China, and 261 attendants from overseas. Besides the scholars from Asia-Pacific have been invited, scholars from European countries have also been invited to give a speech. The terminology of epilepsy in Chinese were been discussed as well during meeting. Apart from Asia and Oceania, scholars from Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and Israel were also attended the meeting, they are: Jean Gotman (Canada), Edward H. Reynolds(UK), Martin J. Brodie(UK), Simon David Shorvon(UK), Paul A. Hwang(Canada), Sylvester Chuang(Canada), Peter K. H. Wong(Canada), Juhn A. Wada(Canada), Eva Andermann (Canada), Virginia Wong(Hong Kong), Concezio Di Rocco(Italy), Emilio Perucca(Italy), Masakazu Seino(Japan), Shunsuke Ohtahara(Japan), Tatsuya Tanaka(Japan), Kazuichi Yagi(Japan), Hiroshi Baba(Japan), Samuel F. Berkovic(Australia), Byung-In Lee(Korea), Gian-Emilio Chatrian(U.S.A.), Jerome Engel Jr(U.S.A.), Dieter Janz (Germany), Hans O. Luders (U.S.A.), Ritva Paetau(Finland).On the other hand, the seminar of comprehensive nursing care of epilepsy and the clinical EEG in epilepsy were also be held. The meeting of international epilepsy communication was conducted by International Bureau of Epilepsy (IBE). Besides the attendants from Taiwan, but also from Korea and Japan has joined the meeting, and the simultaneous interpreting was prepared as well.The fifth session (1999-2001)
The fifth session (1999-2001) President of TES was Dr. Chun-Hing Yiu, from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Dr. Yiu came back from Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) after accomplishing the study of preoperative evaluation of epilepsy. On the other hand, the first set of long-term EEG monitoring in Taiwan was established in Taipei Veterans General Hospital to inspect the preoperative evaluation of epilepsy surgery. The record of cortical EEG during operation and the introduction of Wada test in Chinese creating a new era of epilepsy in Taiwan. Dr. Yiu played an important role during the modernization of epilepsy in Taiwan. In addition to keep processing the education in epilepsy, basic knowledge of EEG and several academic lectures, the terminology of epilepsy has also been integrated.The sixth session (2001-2003)
The sixth session (2001-2003) President of TES was Dr. Yuk-Keung Lo from Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital. Under the initiation of Dr. Yuk-Keung Lo, the education of epilepsy and EEG was executed widely, while the most important contribution was to hold the 25th International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) in Lisbon, Portugal on October 12th, 2003. During the meeting, Dr. Yuk-Keung Lo and Dr. Chi-Wan Lai declared that anti-epilepsy regardless of region, country and ethnicity which should strive for the budget from World Health Organization (WHO) to defy epilepsy. And advocated that the name of the TES should not be changed before or after China Association Against Epilepsy (CAAE) joining ILAE, and it was supported and approved by most of the members in conference. The name of TES has been enduring long among the 114 members of ILAE ever since. On the other hand, the women and epilepsy committee was set up to conduct the activities for women and epilepsy. TES has cooperated with division of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine and psychiatric to expand the education activities of epilepsy in the North, Central and South part of Taiwan. To explored women and epilepsy from different professional aspects and enhanced the attention for women with epilepsy (WWE). In addition, Taiwan EEG Technician Society (renamed Taiwan Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists nowadays) was established to enhance the capability of EEG under the assistance of Dr. Yuk-Keung Lo. Dr. A-Mei Tsai, a EEG technician who studied from overseas was elected as the first Chairman of society.The seventh session (2003-2005)
The seventh session (2003-2005) President of TES was Dr. Chi-Wan Lai, an international master in epilepsy. In addition to conducting the education of epilepsy and EEG, we were more actively to join the international epilepsy meetings to strengthen the interaction with global. Several milestones have been created under the initiation of Dr. Chi-Wan Lai, including 1. The 1st '' competition of the topic of care in love for epilepsy" was held and it was submitted by patients with epilepsy and the public. In addition to awarding prizes, the selected articles would be published for free distribution to public in Taiwan, which was encouraging and educational. 2. The 10km national road running with the name of "care in love for epilepsy" was held in Taiwan for the first time. And there were more than 2000 people who wore in white with the words ''care in love for epilepsy" attending this event, driving lots of media reports from TV and newspapers. 3. The manual of common medicine for epilepsy was published to provide useful information for doctors to check the condition of patients. 4. Taiwan has successfully joined the International Epilepsy Pregnancy Registration Program (EURAP) as a country owing to the cooperation with Taiwan Society of Perinatology. We were formally become the 38th member of the EURAP which helped us understand the impact of "epilepsy" or "anti-epileptic drugs" to the fetus. We were awarded the ILAE social achievement award in 2003.The eighth session (2005-2007)
The eighth session (2005-2007) President of TES was Dr. Yang-Hsin Shih, an international master in epilepsy from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. In 2007, Dr. Yang-Hsin Shih led several local epilepsy experts to Paris to attend the 26th International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) as a group members. During the conference, China was approved to join as a member, and the name, rights, and obligations of TES were successfully retain. At the same time, communication between the medical industry of China and Taiwan were better. The first epilepsy surgery team in Taiwan was founded by Dr. Yang-Hsin Shih and Dr. Chun-Hing Yiu in July 1987, the preoperative examination was led by Dr. Chun-Hing Yiu, while Dr. Yang-Hsin Shih was responsible for the operation. There were a variety of surgeries that has first adopted in Taiwan in terms of implantation of various intracranial electrode, anterior temporal lobe resection, selective amygdala resection, intraoperative cerebral cortical brain wave resection and vagus nerve stimulation. The 4th Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress (AESC) was held by Dr. Yang-Hsin Shih at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) in September 2010. It was pronounced as the most successful conference since there were many experts and scholars from all over Asia attending except for China.The ninth session (2007-2009)
The ninth session (2007-2009) President of TES was Dr. Ching-Shiang Chi, a master in child neurology from Taichung Veterans General Hospital. Dr. Ching-Shiang Chi is an expert on children's epilepsy in Taiwan. The care for children with epilepsy in Taiwan was first advocated by three professors from pediatric neurology, they are: Liu-qing Xiao, You-ren Shen and Ji-xun Jiang. The first EEG room for children was established at National Taiwan University Hospital in 1971, and technicians were trained to observe EEG for children. A book which named Children with Epilepsy was published by Dr. Ching-Shiang Chi on August 1st 1985, providing a useful knowledge in epilepsy for pediatricians. The exclusive EEG room for children and medical specialist was executed and promoted after the establishment of child neurology in 1996. The care for children with epilepsy has been paying more attention from now on. In the lead by Dr. Ching-Shiang Chi, the seminar of epilepsy which cooperated with the Taiwan Nursing Association was held, and it was mainly for staff nurse. The seminar was held in North, Middle, South and East part of Taiwan and nearly 300 people attended. Seminar of epilepsy for general practitioners and pharmacists were conducted as well.The tenth session (2009-2011)
The tenth session (2009-2011) President of TES was Dr. Der-Jen Yen from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. During the 20th anniversary of the conference, in addition to expanding the celebrations, publications were issued to organize and record priceless memories. The article of this information was read from the twentieth anniversary of the journal, and people who are interested in the history of epilepsy in Taiwan are welcome to check online ( eleventh session (2011-2013)
The eleventh session (2011-2013) President of TES was Dr. Tony Wu from Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. There were a lot of creative activities that has been generated to refresh the society, including: the compilation of guidelines for the treatment of epilepsy in Taiwan, the International Epilepsy seminar which was cooperated with ASEPA in Taipei on July 2nd, 2011 and the expert exam in EEG for ASEPA was first held in Taiwan. On the other hand, the award for outstanding research in epilepsy, paper research in epilepsy and young scholars in international conference was set up. Taiwan Epilepsy Sports Day was held in order to correspond with International Epilepsy Sports Day in ILAE. Agreement signing ceremony on ''Standard translation in Chinese of epilepsy and nouns of EEG" was held on November 25th, 2011 in Xiamen, Fujian.The twelfth session (2013-2015)
The twelfth session (2013-2015) President of TES was Dr. Shang-Yeong Kwan from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. In addition to conducting various academic and educational activities, 9 training courses in EEG for different level were held in Taiwan in order to strengthen expertise for doctors and EEG technicians. The epilepsy-related research during the past few years was organized, guidelines for the diagnosis of children with epilepsy and patients had a stroke was compiled. On the other hand, the guidelines for the operation of EEG was edited, various educational materials was revised and published, the terminology of EEG and epilepsy in Chinese was completed between both side across the strait. The 4th Symposium of World Association of Chinese Epileptologists (WACE) was held which created a new era of Chinese epilepsy. Dr. Shang-Yeong Kwan was awarded Asian and Ocean Outstanding Achievements Epilepsy Award (CAOA) and ILAE CAOA ASEPA Task Force Chair.The thirteenth session (2015-2017)
The thirteenth session (2015-2017) President of TES was Dr. Yao-Chung Chuang from Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. In addition to conducting various academic and educational activities in terms of the essay competitions with the topic of concern for epilepsy, the workshop with the topic of knowledge of epilepsy for school administrators, the registration for women who is pregnant, the ultrasonic allowance to woman with epilepsy and the execution plan to driver's license with epilepsy. On the other hand, the official website of society and manual of epilepsy diagnosis was updated and strengthened the communications with global.The fourteenth session (2017-2019)
The fourteenth session (2017-2019) President of TES was Dr. Shuo-Bin Jou from Mackay Memorial Hospital. Dr. Shuo-Bin Jou was the chairman for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy who has contributed greatly to the editors for the guidelines of diagnosis to epilepsy. In addition to conducting various academic and educational activities in terms of the essay competitions with the topic of concern for epilepsy, the workshop with the topic of knowledge of epilepsy for nurse and school administrators, the registration for women who is pregnant, the ultrasonic allowance to woman with epilepsy and the suggestion to the epileptic people driver's license. Besides, Dr. Shuo-Bin Jou would like to execute the following affairs:
1. Improving the overall therapy and research for epilepsy
2. Encouraging the engagement among pediatric neurology, neurosurgery and neuroscience.
3. Integrating genetics of epilepsy and testing of neuroimmunity.
4. Expanding the cooperation with neurosurgery for epilepsy therapy.
5. Executing the goal of the epilepsy society
6. Paying close attention to the rights and benefits of patients with epilepsy
7. Updating the guideline for diagnosis with epilepsy and EEG
The fifteenth session (2019-2021)
During his tenure as president of the Taiwan Epilepsy Society, Director General of Cheng Ching Hospital Dr. Liang-Po Hsieh dedicated himself to the cultivation of many extraordinary young doctors by facilitating their participation in epilepsy research and education activities, the compilation of new epilepsy diagnosis and treatment guidelines, and the addition of EEG guidelines to the archives. Further, in order to improve the skills of both doctors and EEG technicians in EEG interpretation, six EEG training courses were held in North, Central, and South Taiwan. The “Epilepsy Treatment Debate Competition,” held for the first time, also received enthusiastic response. As Dr. Hsieh’s tenure as president coincided with the Society’s 30th anniversary, an anniversary seminar and dinner celebration were held under the title “Epilepsy 30: A Living Legacy”. All past directors were invited to attend, and a special 30th anniversary commemorative issue was published.
The sixteen sessio (2021-2023)
During the tenure of Taipei Veterans General Hospital Dr. Yu Hsiang-Yu as TES chairperson, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Society’s teaching activities did not cease. Small classes and online meetings were conducted throughout the pandemic, and classes and seminars related to public health diagnosis continued as scheduled. Although ILA and AOEC chapter meetings took place online, TES was not absent. In the recent two years, in response to major social changes brought by the pandemic, the Society was timely in putting forward numerous statements and suggestions related to ongoing patient care, and worked closely with the Taiwan Neurological Society both to respond to government agency inquiries regarding epilepsy and negotiate reasonable payments for epilepsy care from the relevant authorities. The latest edition of Epilepsy Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines was published and distributed to members at the 2023 annual meeting. Fortunately, by the end of Dr. Yu’s tenure, the pandemic crisis lifted, and at the Society’s in-person 2023 annual meeting, the number of participants returned to pre-pandemic levels.